In the midst of December, our dedicated road crew, comprised of Brad and Jason, embarked on a dual-destination journey. Their inaugural stop brought them to the charming town of Fulton, Mississippi, where they had the privilege of working at The Meadows Chapel—a remarkable complex inhabited by some of the most welcoming individuals you could ever encounter.

In this picturesque setting, the team meticulously assembled six of our Style 5005 pews, each spanning an impressive 6 feet in length. These exquisite pieces were fully upholstered in our Shire Levi Blue fabric, boasting Oak Backsides. Adorned with a tasteful Special Walnut stain and sealed with a high-gloss lacquer finish, the result is an exceptionally beautiful and enduring product.

A heartfelt thank you extends to Kelly McKay for entrusting us with this project and allowing us to serve as your pew builder. Collaborating with you has been an absolute pleasure, and we sincerely hope that the fruition of our work contributes to the comfort and tranquility of your Chapel’s guests. To everyone at The Meadows, our gratitude knows no bounds. May God shower you with abundant blessings.

– The Team at Born Again Pews




Now off to Holly Spring Mississippi…