In early April, amidst the tranquil and cool weather, our road crew embarked on their journey to Brenham, Texas, departing on April 8th. Their route took them straight through the path of a solar eclipse, where they found themselves ensnared in a two-hour traffic standstill. However, fortified by divine strength, they embraced the situation with patience, relaxing and cherishing the unique experience of a once-in-a-lifetime trip.
Upon arrival at Fellowship Baptist Church, they swiftly got to work. With precision and expertise, they assembled and installed 14 of our 12-foot Style 3001 pews, complete with standard bookracks. Additionally, they included four shorter pews featuring our 1001 style ends to facilitate wheelchair accessibility, seamlessly complementing each other. These pews were finished in a rich Puritan Pine stain and adorned with Sherpa Maroon fabric. Alongside, we provided 22 matching choir chairs.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Doug Ratchford and the entire congregation of Fellowship Baptist for entrusting us as your provider of pews and choir chairs. It was truly a pleasure collaborating with you, and we pray that you will enjoy years of blessings and comfort from our furniture. Thank you, from all of us at Born Again Pews.
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The End – Until Next time… Keep your eyes upon Jesus
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