In early April 2024, Casey and Jason embarked on an 18-hour journey to Darien, Georgia—a quaint coastal community with approximately 1600 residents nestled at the mouth of the Altamaha River. Darien is not only home to the Buccaneers but also houses the charming Darien Church of God.
Upon arrival, the team diligently assembled and installed 30 of our exquisite #4002 style fully upholstered pews. Each pew spans 14 feet and features our premium Shire Steel Blue fabric. The ends were customized with a triple cross design, a colonial white finish, and a golden oak accent stain—a truly beautiful outcome! And let’s not forget the impeccable carpet selection—kudos to whoever made that choice!
As we sit in these church pews, we often overlook the profound memories and cherished moments they hold. From witnessing souls finding salvation to celebrating weddings, studying the Bible, and harmonizing with the choir during gospel songs, these pews become vessels of shared experiences. To the Darien Church of God, thank you for entrusting Born Again Pews with your sacred space. May our craftsmanship bring comfort and blessings to your congregation and visitors alike.
- The Born Again Pews Family
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God Bless America.
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