On the inaugural day of December, following closely in the footsteps of Rex and Axe’s journey to Bartow, Florida, another dedicated road crew, comprised of Brad and Shaun, embarked on a mission to Columbus, OH, destined for the Cross Road United Baptist Church. Upon their arrival, the duo swiftly unloaded, assembled, and installed 21 exquisite 2003 end-style pews, each meticulously upholstered, enveloped in Shire Steel Blue fabric, and adorned with a rich Provincial stain, culminating in a striking high gloss lacquer finish. These pews, complete with standard bookracks and intricately engraved crosses, showcased a stunning combination of craftsmanship and aesthetics.

Our heartfelt gratitude extends to the wonderful individuals at Cross Road United Baptist Church. Upon the road crew’s return, Shaun emphatically expressed, “Those were the nicest people in the world.” We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to craft these exceptional pews for your congregation. May your church and community experience countless years of blessings and meaningful moments as souls find solace and transformation in the embrace of these finely crafted seats. Once again, thank you, and may God abundantly bless you.

  • The Team at Born Again Pews




The End…